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Are Your Passions Changing?

Diana Raab


This past month I entered into my seventh decade and realized that some of the passions of my youth might be shifting or taking another form. I’m a little burnt out with writing and would love to try something new, but I’m not sure what that is. I’m being open-minded about what it may be, and I’ve been investigating different avenues.

Living with Passion

Having passion is the fuel that inspires us to wake up in the morning. Discovering and claiming our passion is about knowing what we love to do, which can have a powerful effect on our lives. If what we are doing does not make us happy, then it might be time to evaluate and recalibrate what would elicit the most joy.

Living out what we were meant to do with our lives can lead to a sense of bliss, which may be about ridding ourselves of habits, situations, and relationships that no longer serve us and replacing them with those that do. Finding our calling is about bringing into our lives all those things that bring out our potential and help us live life to the fullest.

There have been many articles written on finding our passion or life calling. Different terms have been used to explain this concept. In ancient times, the Romans called it genius, Greek philosophers called it the daimon, and Christians called it the guardian angel.



Diana Raab

Award-winning author/poet/blogger. Speaks and writes on writing for healing & transformation. Visit: