Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Spring Is For Transformation

Diana Raab


Spring is a great time for transformation and new beginnings. It’s also a time for your mind to bloom. For those living in cold climates, the winter months are often spent inside, in self-protection mode, so spring is a season when you can shed all your layers. In order to facilitate transformation and new beginnings, you’ll need to let go of old, unhealthy patterns and embrace new, positive energy.

During my childhood, spring meant the blossoming of the cherry-blossom tree that sat on our front lawn. I have vivid memories of sitting on the falling blossoms and feeling the wonder of nature. It also meant shedding my winter coat, gloves, and hat, and getting on my bike and riding around the neighborhood. Spring meant freedom. It was also a time when my parents engaged in their annual spring-cleaning ritual.

In my book Writing for Bliss, I describe writing for transformation as that which can bring about a dramatic change in an individual’s physical or psychological well-being. Basically, the path of transformation is a process of becoming aware of, facing, and becoming responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings. This process can lead to self-realization, which can occur over a long or short period of time, but most often is initiated by a pivotal event that can be easily identified. It might be a part of your life story that you’re thinking about during this time.



Diana Raab

Award-winning author/poet/blogger. Speaks and writes on writing for healing & transformation. Visit: